

OSF Behavioral Health provides individual and family therapy in a caring and compassionate environment.

We offer outpatient-based counseling services for people of all ages.


If you are in need of counseling services, we have clinically licensed professionals, LCSW’s and LCPC’s, which are trained and qualified to provide counseling services. We have two options available for therapy at OSF.

在tegrated (Brief) Therapist

You can talk with your primary care physician and ask them about seeing a therapist within their office for 6-8 appointments. If you start seeing an Integrated Therapist, they may refer you to a Traditional Therapist for continued treatment.

Traditional Therapist

If you are in need of ongoing therapy services, a traditional therapist would be able to provide longer term treatment.

What We Treat

Many people can benefit from counseling or therapy. We can help you address issues related to:


Physical or sexual abuse can cause feelings of fear, hopelessness, depression, PTSD and belief they deserve the punishment.

Examples: Adult beaten as a child begins to have anger issues, partner of abuser feels depressed, powerless; Adult experiences flashbacks to long ago abuse, assault victim unable to go out publicly without significant fear

Adjustment Disorders


Adjustment disorders include a combination of physical and emotional stressors, such as feelings of sadness or hopelessness, that stem from a stressful event.

This event, or series of events, causes people to have a hard time coping, and their reaction is more than initially expected for such an event.

Examples: Anxiety over finances following losing a job, child is angry and having behavioral problems after parental divorce


Our anger management services help individuals face their anger problems and gives them skills to cope with their anger in a safe and effective way.

Examples: Overreacting in arguments causing marital issues, child hitting siblings beyond what is typical for age

Anxiety, Panic and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Anxiety and panic disorders can caise feelings of severe discomfort that are unrealistic, such as fear and extreme worry, due to an ordinary or extraordinary event, obsessive thoughts or phobias.

Examples: Combat veteran, abuse victim having flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks impacting daily activities, or a child afraid of separation

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment (ADHD)

ADHD has been classified into three broad categories, depending on whether the majority of symptoms are hyperactive or inattention, or a combination of both. People with symptoms of both hyperactivity and inattention have "combined type ADHD"; those whose symptoms are mainly attention deficit have "predominantly inattentive type ADD."

Those whose symptoms are mainly hyperactivity have "predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type ADHD." Symptoms of hyperactivity tend to decrease as a person ages and are less common in adults.

Autism & Pervasive Development Disorders

Autism and pervasive development disorders are combination of developmental disabilities that hinder social communications and cause behavioral issues. Usually present from childhood, these disorders negatively affect socialization, communication, language, and movement abilities.

Examples: Child experiencing significant social problems, young adult unable to find job due to inadequate communication skills.


Depression can cause feelings of severe sadness, hopelessness and loss that inhibit an individual’s quality of life.

Examples: Adult experiencing significant lack of enjoyment in previously enjoyable activities, everyday functioning is diminished, adolescent experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Emotional & Behavioral Issues

Emotional and behavioral issues can cause symptoms that negatively impact their life and well-being. Individuals have symptoms such as an inability to do typical or menial tasks, may have long-standing depression, sadness, anger and overreact to normal events.

Examples: Adult unable to get along with coworkers, blames others for own problems, child or adolescent overreacts to small conflicts, refuses to comply with reasonable requests.

Family Issues

Family issues can include behavioral issues of children and adolescents. Counseling involving the entire family and helps with short-term problem solving and conflict resolution.

例子:混合后家庭冲突marriage, child with serious medical issues impacting siblings and parents, divorce recovery.

Grief & Loss

Grief and loss are common feelings experienced after an impactful loss such as the death of a loved one. Symptoms may include emotional pain and depression.

Examples: Death of spouse or significant other, loss of function due to illness, coping with change, adjustment to life transitions

Health Issues

Health issues such as obesity, diabetes, pain management, heart disease or cancer can lead to emotional issues.

Examples: Adult or child develops Type II diabetes due to obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and had difficulty changing lifestyle, adult with closed head injury develops anxiety about re-injury.



Marital issues can be addressed in counseling. During treatment, couples are helped with conflict resolution and given tools needed for a healthy relationship.

Examples: Inadequate or dysfunctional communication between partners, recovering from broken trust


Stress is a normal physiological response to danger, along the same lines as “fight or flight.”

Stress can become a problem when the response happens in quick succession or is long-lasting. Left untreated, stress can cause health risks such as heart disease, depression and autoimmune diseases.

Examples: Caregiver of a person with Alzheimer’s disease not taking care of his or her self, employee working too much overtime in difficult job

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a recognized health disorder. Abuse of alcohol or drugs (legal or illegal) can cause serious problems at work, school, in relationships and with the law. Treatment can help you deal with the physical, emotional and social parts of your addiction.

Women's Issues

Women’s issues can be addressed in counseling.

Examples: Menopause, empty nest, body image, weight, pregnancy or infant loss, infertility