Oncology Massage

An oncology massage uses various massage techniques to safely nurture the body of someone affected by cancer or cancer treatments.

How Massage Can Help

Clinical research shows oncology massages can improve some cancer treatment side effects and provide other benefits, including:

  • Reduced pain, fatigue, anxiety and nausea
  • Improved sleep
  • Decreased feelings of isolation
  • Enhanced body image
  • Strengthened sense of well-being

Even after a person is finished with cancer treatment, receiving oncology massages is important due to the potential for late side effects of treatment.

What to Expect

Oncology massage therapists have completed comprehensive training in general massage therapy as well as additional specialized training that addresses the side effects of cancer and its various treatments. They adapt massage techniques to safely meet patients’ changing needs during and after cancer treatment.

Get Started

For information about massage for patients with cancer, please contact your oncology care team.


Talk with your oncology care team about the cost for this service and potential funding to reduce or cover costs.